Poolbeg Chimneys / Generating Station

Located in the Poolbeg peninsula on the south side of Dublin Port. Although now decommissioned the Poolbeg chimneys have become one of the most iconic landmark's in Dublin Bay. At over 200 meters each the chimneys are among the tallest structures in Ireland. These chimney's can be seen from most parts of the city especially when viewing from along the coastline.
Originally constructed by the ESB (Electric Supply Board) in the 60's along with other power units for a cost of 65 million Irish Pounds. The location of the Pigeon House has been involved with electric power production since 1903. The Pigeon House was formally a military barracks and the officers housing still remains today.
The Poolbeg site still has an operational power station, however the two red and white chimneys are no longer operational. In 2014 the two chimneys became listed as protected structures.