Safety Equipment & Life Raft Arrive

Yesterday we received a delivery slightly larger then a regular parcel. In fact this delivery had to be transported on a large pallet. The delivery was of course our new Life Raft along other safety equipment what was provided for by Chmarine. All this equipment is required in order for the boat to be commercially coded by the Department of Transport and Marine.
2) Approved Life Jackets
3) Fire Pump and Fire Hose
4) Life Rings
5) Particular set of flares
6) First Aid Kit
7) Fire Extinguisher

When we placed the Life Raft in the car it just about fitted. Once we transported all the equipment down to Dun Laoghaire Marina we stored all the safety equipment on the RIB. We were very pleased with how nicely the Life Raft fits on the front of the boat and doesn't take up much space.
The next job will be to fit all the equipment permanently to the boat. This however will be a job for after christmas. This work will require quite a bit of drilling into the deck so that the life raft and fire pump are safely secured. We also plane on carrying out some electronics work by adding a sound system.