Launching Boat in Dun Laoghaire
Friday saw the exciting moment went our new boat "Close to the Edge" touched Irish water for the first time. At about 10am we towed her down to Dun Laoghaire Harbour where we arrived at the boat lifting crane operated by MGM boats. Once we had all her covers removed we backed her into the lifting area under the crane, this would take a couple of goes to get perfectly aligned.

Once the boat was strapped onto the crane she was lifted slightly and then car and trailer we removed. The crane then drove so that the boat was just above the water. When it was close to the pier I was then able to get into the boat and lower the engine. The crane then continued to slowly lower the boat until we had splashdown. She was still secured to the crane and when I started the engine. Once the engine was running the crane slackened the straps and we could simply reverse away from the crane. Once we were free we then over course took her for her first voyage in Irish water by leaving Dun Laoghaire Harbour and heading towards Dalkey.

Following her fantastic first voyage in Dublin Bay we returned to Dun Laoghaire Marina where we docked in her new spot. Conveniently her spot is right beside the top of the marina so its a very quick walk to get ashore. We made her shipshape by placing her covers on her. We want to thank all the staff from both MGM boats and Dun Laoghaire Marina who we so helpful with getting Close to the Edge in the water.